Gift a Writing Room Membership

Gift a Writing Room Membership
Give the writer in your life an annual Detroit Writing Room membership! They'll receive discounts on coaching, workshops and more! Plus, they’ll gain a supportive writing community.
Benefits include:
Coaching sessions at a discounted $55 per hour
20% off all workshops and events
Invitation to a members-only monthly Writing Group
10% off printing flyers, postcards, posters, brochures, bookmarks, copies and more from Mays Multimedia
A feature in our Writer Wednesday spotlights
Complimentary Perspectives Magazine, DWR journaland purple pen
Member-only invitations to select events and surprise perks throughout the year!
You will be asked for the recipient’s name, email and phone number upon checkout. The membership is good for 1 year from the date of purchase.
Interested in a membership for yourself? Visit