Nonprofit Strategic Consultant and Grant Writer Wendy Rose Bice
This week’s WriterWednesday features Writing Room member Wendy Rose Bice!
Based in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, Wendy is a nonprofit strategic consultant and grant writer. She works exclusively with nonprofits researching and writing grants and working with organizations on their strategic growth. Her background in public relations and a lifelong interest in history and human interest stories led to the opportunity to write three local history books and other related projects. Read more about her below!
What writing projects are you currently working on?
As I look toward the concluding years of my professional career, I wish to once again pick up my “pen” and begin a long-imagined writing project. But, first, I have to fulfill a promise I made to my kids to complete a story about their visiting Tooth Fairies.
What is your favorite part of the writing process?
Immersion. Once I get into my writing mode, my mind becomes so zoned in and creative thought flourishes.
What does your writing workspace look like?
Depends on the day, the weather, the location. But, always quiet.
Does your background in consulting influence your approach to writing?
Yes. As I advise clients, keeping your mission front and center is vital to moving forward and achieving your operational and funding goals. The same is true of writing: deviating from your mission (or thesis or story arc) will add to your confusion and not help you get you to the finish line. However, that said: no idea is a bad idea and all ideas should be saved because they may just evolve into something that does support your objectives.
What is your favorite non-writing hobby?
Used to be knitting but my hands are not cooperating. So, I find myself reading a lot more, in addition to year-round hiking/walking and gardening. More recently, I am spending more time on FaceTime watching my granddaughter do goofy baby things.
What is your favorite piece of writing advice?
Not sure if this applies, but as one who is interested in history and telling the stories of others, the best advice I ever received was to always respect the stories and experiences of our elders. There are so many life lessons to be learned from those who preceded us and those lessons are worth sharing.
Follow Wendy on Instagram at @wrbice.