Book Reviewer Jane McFarland
This week’s Writer Wednesday features Jane McFarland of Carmel, Indiana! Jane is a blogger and book reviewer who reviews mysteries, romance novels and more! She’s also working on a non-fiction book and gave us an insight on the important mental health subjects she’s addressing. Learn more about Jane and her creative pursuits below!
What writing projects are you currently working on?
I am working on combining all of my blog posts into a creative non-fiction book called “Broken Patterns.” I’ve written stories about how I’ve coped with depression, grief, sexual harassment and other things that are often not discussed because they have this stigma attached to them. They aren’t fun topics to talk about, but it is so important to have these conversations. I think having difficult conversations opens up dialogue and offers a great opportunity to learn.
It sounds a bit dark, but my hope in sharing my own struggles is that someone else will find it relatable and if I can encourage one person to just keep going, then it’s done its job.
What is your favorite part of the writing process?
The freedom that comes with it. Writing is therapeutic for me, especially when I’m writing in my journal or working on a blog entry. It’s a way to express yourself without any judgment. You can be authentic and share what you want and keep to yourself what you want.
What does your writing workspace look like?
I’m usually in a chair or on the sofa with my laptop in front of me. Most of the time you’ll find a cat nearby!
We know you are an avid reader and book reviewer. What is one of your favorite books you’ve covered? What book is next on your list to read?
I’ve read so many great ones so this is hard to answer, but I think I’d have to say “Triple Cross Killer” by Rosemarie Aquilina. That was the first one I reviewed and what led me to where I am now — reviewing, editing, interviewing authors — and that helped me expand my blog to more than just an online journal. That one will always be unforgettable.
Judge Rosemarie Aquilina and Jane McFarland at a Detroit Writing Room book talk for “Triple Cross Killer” in July 2019.
I also really enjoyed the Immortal Hearts series by Katherine Hastings; it’s a series of three, as well as a prequel. They’re vampire romance novels!
I’m currently reading “A New Earth” by Eckhart Tolle, and I have so many books on my list to read. As far as what’s next, I’ve got it narrowed down to two: “The Hating Game” by Sally Thorne and “What Children Remember” by Tasha Hunter.
What is your favorite non-writing hobby?
Listening to music. I absolutely love music, and I’ve got my Pandora app on almost every minute I’m awake.
What is your favorite piece of writing advice?
Don’t edit while you write — just write. This was hard for me but something I really needed to hear and put into practice. Part of me is a perfectionist and misspelled words, poor grammar, anything like that bothers me, and I want it fixed immediately. But I’ve learned that editing as you go only prolongs the writing process, and it’s already long enough.
Check out Jane’s book reviews at Follow her on Instagram at @jane_ellen79 and Twitter at @Jane1979_13.