Writer and Retired Sociology Professor Henry Schissler
This week’s Writer Wednesday features Writing Room member Henry Schissler!
Based in Milford, Connecticut, Henry is a retired sociology professor from Housatonic Community College in Connecticut. He is currently working with Detroit Writing Room coach Justin Brouckaert on his debut novel, "The Scald” — a book of interconnected short stories set in modern-day Detroit. When he’s not writing, you’ll likely find him behind the camera, capturing the world through photography. Learn more about him below!
What writing projects are you currently working on?
I’m completing my first novel “The Scald,” set in modern-day Detroit, and I’m building a book of interconnected short stories.
What is your favorite part of the writing process?
Character development. The process of building characters from scratch, to meld their thoughts and feelings into expected — and unexpected — behaviors, and to develop ways they will connect up to build plot.
What does your writing workspace look like?
I have a nook with a desk, computer, notebooks and a stash of Pilot, G-2 Bold Point pens (blue ink). But I rarely sit there. I prefer the kitchen table and/or coffee table in the living room. It depends.
What is your favorite non-writing hobby?
Photography. I started taking pictures during pre-digital times and continue to today.
What is your favorite piece of writing advice?
I have an 11th commandment, “Thou Shalt Not Personalize / Consider The Source.” It’s a great way to handle rejection.