The Detroit Writing Room Holiday Book Fair


The Detroit Writing Room is hosting its inaugural holiday book fair on Saturday, December 7 from noon to 4 p.m. 

The public is invited to the book fair to meet local authors and purchase signed books — which make great holiday gifts! Come browse, shop and meet some of the best authors in Michigan!

Admission is free. Please register in advance here.

Author Lineup:

Rosemarie Aquilina, "Triple Cross Killer" (Bowker)

Angela Berent, "List Your Life: A Modern-Day Memoir" and "Trace Your Travels: An Adventure Journal"

Anna Clark"The Poisoned City" and "A Detroit Anthology" (Metropolitan Books / Belt Publishing)

Kelly Fordon"Goodbye Toothless House" and "Garden for the Blind" (Kattywompus Press and Wayne State University Press)

Sylvia Hubbard"Daddy's Girl," "Beautiful" and "Author's Guide to Writing, Publishing & Marketing"  (HubBooks Literary)

Danielle D. Hughes, “Always Make Your Bed”

Shaun Manning"Macbeth: The Red King," "Hell, Nebraska," "Interesting Drug" and "Star Wars Adventures" (Lucha Comics/Shooting Star Press)

Keith Owens"Detroit Stories Quarterly"

Ben Pauli"Flint Fights Back: Environmental Justice and Democracy in the Flint Water Crisis" (MIT Press)

Craig Rush"No Time to Hate" (Third Eye Pyramid Publishing)

Elizabeth Schmuhl"Premonitions" (Wayne State University Press)

Syntell Smith"Call Numbers" (Syntell Smith Publishing)

Laura Thomas, "States of Motion" (Wayne State University Press)

Bill Vlasic"Once Upon A Car" (William Morrow)

A Special Thank You to Our Sponsors

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