Mission: Coaching Detroit Forward is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that coaches Detroit high school students in writing, photography, graphic design and other creative fields. Award-winning local journalists, authors, communications professionals, photographers and designers teach students and share their expertise through summer camps, workshops and after-school programs. Through Coaching Detroit Forward, students gain mentors who guide them through internships, jobs and careers.
CDF is the nonprofit arm of The Detroit Writing Room.
Want to support these creative opportunities for Detroit teens?
Donate at coachingdetroitforward.org/donate, or email coachingdetroitforward@gmail.com to sponsor a student to attend a camp next summer! Read more at coachingdetroitforward.org.
All donations are tax deductible. We appreciate your support!
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Choose Coaching Detroit Forward as your charity of choice on Amazon Smile, and 0.5% of your purchases will go toward supporting our summer camps, workshops and programs for Detroit teens!